GOLLUM (screaming) S...Shire! Baggins! CUT TO: INT. BAG END LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT CLOSE ON: FRODO'S HORRIFIED FACE! FRODO Shire! Baggins! That will lead them here! CUT TO: EXT. SHIRE LANE, SOUTH FARTHING -- NIGHT IMAGE: On a dark country lane, a Hobbit bounder lifts his watch lantern in alarm. HOBBIT BOUNDER Halt! Who goes there? Out of the darkness thunder two BLACK RIDERS...A LETHAL SWORD swings down at the small Hobbit bounder. CUT TO: INT. BAG END LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT FRODO thrusts the ring at Gandalf. FRODO Take it! Take it! (CONTINUED) 30.CONTINUED: GANDALF No, Frodo... FRODO You must take it. GANDALF You cannot offer me this ring. FRODO I'm giving it to you! GANDALF Don't tempt me, Frodo. I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe. CLOSE ON: THE RING IN FRODO'S HAND... GANDALF Understand, Frodo...I would use this
Ring from a desire to do good...but through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine. FRODO But it cannot stay in the Shire! GANDALF No, no it can't. CLOSE ON: THE RING IN FRODO'S CLENCHED HAND. FRODO What must I do?
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