Monday, September 28, 2009

Quote from Butler Shaffer

Our problems do not have their origins in Washington, D.C., nor will their solutions be found there. We are the authors of our own dystopian worlds, and it is to our minds that we must repair if we are to save ourselves from the playing out of the ugly and destructive premises we have planted there. We might begin by acknowledging that our individuality is about all that we have in common with one another; and that the suppression of this quality in the name of some alleged collective purpose is essential to the creation of every political system. -- Butler Shaffer

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cardboard Cutout ?

This picture is of school days buddy Rob Holcomb meeting President Clinton.

Rob says " was an honor to get to meet our president."
The picture is posted on Facebook.
You'll have to be signed in for the link to work.

Rob will probably claim that he actually met President Clinton.

Eric Spiegelman  thinks the White House sent a cardboard cutout of Obama to NYC.
For me, this part of being POTUSA would bite but ..... I can learn from the master.

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

Barack probably had word's with Michelle afterwards about her trying to squeeze into the pictures.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How To Create World Peace

Video and One Act Play - Twice the fun !!

I"ve been thinking about this video. Is it correct ?

It would work if we all did this.  Unfortunately, not everyone is as fun as this guy suggests we be.  If that is what he's suggesting ?

I have taken one step in this direction.  I've pledged only to war in A) self-defense.  
There is no B.

Perhaps this pledge from each of us is what it will take to Create World Peace.



Exonerated (Freud) Exalted Leader

<Exalted adj. --  Exaggerated; inflated: He has an exalted sense of his importance to the project.>

Gentlemen, lock and load, We're crossing the river to destroy the Far Bank of The River People.
Crowd of Our Bank of the River People (several speaking) : Huh ?  
What ?  
What did you say ?
Are you sure about this ?
EL: They insulted us.  They yelled across that water that Our God is dead.  Muster for attack.
Man1 in Crowd:  I never heard them yell.
Man2:  Wha'd they say ?
Man3: Are they coming to get us ?
Man4: "Our" God ? 
EL: To protect ourselves, we must fight them.  Anyone not on board is a dreamer, nothing but a dreamer, and will always and forever be nothing but a dreamer and not so patriotic as my your schools taught you to be. 
Man5: Let's go.  They got a great lemon orchard .... and goats.  They've got goats.
Man1: Hmmmm
Man2: Hmmmmmm
Man3: Hmmmmmmmmm.........They sure got some pretty ladies.
Man1:  How do You.. know they're "Ladies" ?
Man2:  Have you been over there ?
Man3 only smiles mysteriously <

EL: We're almost out of lemons !!

Man6:  Is Our God dead ?

EL: Our God is ALIVE and HE WILL LEAD US !!

Stay Tuned for more history, written by the survivors winners.>

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Comments on DMN Opinion


Red Bird Renewed: Empty 'potential' threatens quality of life

06:56 PM CDT on Friday, September 18, 2009
Red Bird is a neighborhood interrupted.
With a mall, an airport, a hospital and relatively new homes, this should be one of southern Dallas' destination neighborhoods. But an area that once was on the way up now has stalled out.

Housing developments were platted but never built. Hundreds of acres surrounding Dallas Executive Airport sit undeveloped. "For sale" signs dot grassy fields that were supposed to become commercial centers. And Southwest Center Mall, once southern Dallas' retail gem, is dying an agonizing, years-long death. What changed ?

For too long, this city has talked about Red Bird's untapped potential. Studies What studies ? detail what the mall  Studies commissioned by the mall owner ? could become and how the airport Studies commissioned by the airport owner ? could be an economic engine. But execution Execution is low when ROI is low – and political will – have been lacking.Why must this will be political ?

Without a concerted effort to bolster Red Bird's underutilized assets, the area will deteriorate significantly. Everything goes back to nature without man's intervention.

Right now, this is still a spot where families with decent ???? incomes want to live.   Implication that without "execution and political will" families with other than decent income will want to live here A study by the Institute for Urban Policy Research Who commissioned this study ? found that the area bounded by Ledbetter Drive, Westmoreland Road, Wheatland Road and Hampton Road attracts working couples with kids.

In this predominantly African-American Strikeout mine. Due to immigration restrictions, there are very few African-Americans living in the USA neighborhood, 83 percent of residents have at least a high school diploma. Per capita income lags behind the city as a whole but is still higher than that of the four other neighborhoods we are focusing on in southern Dallas.

Residents here are no doubt attracted to the new and affordable see "Tidy" below houses; 86 percent of single-family homes are in good, very good or excellent condition. Who creates these assessments? But homeowners in these tidy (tiny) brick houses live on small islands of relative ?? prosperity, surrounded by undeveloped property 1 and aging apartment complexes 2. Available lots – residential 3 and commercial 4 – are abundant. Why are these opportunities 1,2,3,4 not being exploited ?

In this neighborhood just west of U.S. Highway 67 and straddling Interstate 20, apartments outnumber single-family homes 5 to 1. Too many of the sprawling complexes are starting to decline and are in danger of going downhill fast. Without a jump-start to Red Bird's economy, crumbling, crime-ridden apartments could dominate the landscape. Who are you trying to frighten ? and why ?

The neighborhood's best hope for regaining momentum rests with the airport and the mall. Is this the agenda ?

For years, city officials have mulled plans to spur development on the 1,000-acre property that is home to Dallas Executive Airport. But little progress is evident. The airport has three times the acreage of Addison Airport, but Addison has 44 commercial structures on its campus, compared with just 12 on the Dallas property. Why is Addison's government owned airport doing so much better than Dallas's government owned airport ? Perhaps this is the real question.

While the airport has been stuck in neutral, Southwest Center Mall has been in free fall. Retailers have high-tailed it to the suburbs, leaving a shell of an outdated shopping center behind. Residents are likely to follow unless the property is repurposed.  Tell that to the property owner.

This year, the City Council Why? Is this not the job of the mall owner? Why is the mall owner not interested in reviving his property?  hired the Urban Land Institute to offer its best ideas for resuscitating the mall. Experts drew the outlines of a plan for a mixed-use village. They called for a public-private partnership and suggested creating a tax-increment-financing district that would include both the shopping center and the airport. And they told the city to hurry. City hires Sage. Sage tells City to invest it's excess dollars ASAP.  Who woulda thunk it ?

So far, council members have shown little urgency and even less enthusiasm for investing public dollars in this project. But at the least, creating a TIF that would reinvest in this neighborhood would give it a fighting chance. So the desire is a TIF and you're using the high/low bid situation to get it.

And, perhaps, the area could indeed become Red Bird Renewed.
Dallas Morning News editorial writer Colleen McCain Nelson wrote this on behalf of the editorial board. Her e-mail address is

When it's all done, the Dallas taxpayer has pulled money away from his family and given it to a businessman wanting someone else to pay his bills.

                 Tim Lebsack

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flying "W" Ranch Chuckwagon Supper

My Creed – By Dean Alfange

” I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek to develop whatever talents God gave me — not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say — ‘This, with God’s help, I have done.’ All this is what it means to be an American.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tucker Talks Trash

This pre-school boy would stand at the curb on the Base and watch the men and their vehicles gathering the garbage every family created. They would lift and carry a metal can full of trash, tump it into the truck, return the empty can to it's home and keep doing this all day as the truck moved forward on it's route. Every so often the driver would stop and wait while the men on the ground pushed a lever so that a hydraulically powered ram would almost gently squeeze the trash backwards into the bowels of the truck or sweep it forward from the hopper on the rear of the truck.

These "garbage men" would open ours and the neighbor's side gates and walk into  back yards to fetch the full cans.  Some neighbors would take the cans to the edge of their front lawns.  Eventually a coating of filth and the smell would summon the Master Sergeant who would order my older brothers to scrub - one of the "Spend an hour scrubbing garbage can" details.

================================= in sanitary conditions and staying alive turns out to be something of a priority for people. This is why the largest advances in garbage collection came about during the Industrial Revolution.

Municipalized Trash: It's Uncivilized

Mises Daily by | Posted on 9/14/2009 12:00:00 AM

Monday, September 14, 2009

William Manchester

Vanity Fair article about William Manchester, commissioned by Robert F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy to

"write the authorized account of the assassination. He felt he couldn’t refuse her. Two years later, nearly broken by the task, Manchester found himself fighting a bitter, headline-making battle with Jackie and Bobby Kennedy over the finished book."


from Wikipedia:
Manchester's original manuscript is held at Wesleyan University under "extremely restricted use" and, according to his son John, the Kennedy family has permitted the book to go out of print.[2]

from Vanity Fair
"...a full-page advertisement had appeared the day of the assassination in The Dallas Morning News accusing Kennedy of making a secret deal with the Communist Party; when it was shown to the president, he was appalled. He turned to Jacqueline, who was visibly upset, and said, “Oh, you know, we’re heading into nut country today.” Manchester discovered that in a wealthy Dallas suburb, when told that President Kennedy had been murdered in their city, the students in a fourth-grade class burst into applause."

Friday, September 11, 2009

“There is a repeated pattern of violence when these cartoons have been republished,”

the Census

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.


  • Main Entry: enu·mer·ate
  • Pronunciation: \i-ˈn(y)ü-mə-ˌrāt\
  • Function: transitive verb
  • Inflected Form(s): enu·mer·at·ed; enu·mer·at·ing
  • Etymology: Latin enumeratus, past participle of enumerare, from e- + numerare to count, from numerus number
  • Date: 1616
1 : to ascertain the number of : count

The Census Bureau severed its ties with ACORN

A few years ago I received the American Community Survey in my mail.  It was full of interesting questions, just the type of stuff I'd like to know about her.

I took a Sharpie from the desk drawer, wrote " Qty 1 " on the form, sealed it into the No Postage Necessary envelope and sent it away with the U.S. Delivery Service.

A week later I received the same package.  Same response.

A week later I received the package with an enclosure letter explaining the penalty(s) for failure to fully comply.  Response included the phrase "Was I not clear the first time?"

A week later I received the package plus the enclosure again.  Response was "There is ONE individual residing here.  STFU !"  I'm gonna have to buy another Sharpie.

A week later I recieved the package plus enclosure again.  Response was "When are you nosy SOB's gonna get it through your Effin' Skulls ?  One, Uno, Ein, Adeen, GFD'it !"

They stopped sending the survey.

This is what is known as "getting over the wall".

             thanks for listening

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Open Letter to Texans regarding USA health care reform

To: Texans

President Barack Obama and the Democratic members of the United States Congress want to alter the American health care system.  The debate is inimical and no legislation has been passed.
Bypassing the legislative process allows two very important things to occur.  Capitalism will encourage many health care providers and insurance providers to assist you.  You will be able to move forward unhindered by those who disagree with your goals.  You will create your perfect health care system.
Begin small and local.  Functional programs will grow as other participants are drawn to it, nonfunctional programs will fade away.  Those programs which thrive will join together and create "Universal Health Care".  Many who currently dissent will join you when you reveal the success of your enterprise.

You have a base of support.  Scattered across Texas are many who agree with the goals of President Obama's plan.
Texas Democratic Party Leadership , StaffCounty Leadership and their families.
Dallas County Democratic Party Leadership, Precinct Chairs and their families.

This list is a fraction of the support you have. Others from across the State, Country, and World will join you.

The United States of America is the land of the free and the brave.  You will find there is no need to coerce those whose desires differ.

                             Tim Lebsack
                              Dallas Texas


Friday, September 4, 2009

Any volunteers to pay his insurance premiums ??

HT: Richard F.


     CAMERA reaches the last desk and rises slowly to reveal that
     it's empty.

"I don't there's anybody back there."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dirty words

Reading this website this morning
gave me some great laughs.

I imagine these essays done by a stand-up comedian -  rants filled with brand new curse words.  I get such a kick out of way we create new words by slightly altering known words with new pronunciations, contractions, derivations, portmanteaus, nonces, adding -ing to make a verb of a noun.

I'll tire of Obo and ignore his rants for a few months but it was worth it today. 'Scouser' , brand new to me, seems to have evolved into a pejorative, at least when preceded by 'inbred'.

Much of it started with this guy.
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits. Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine and keep the country from winning the war.
—George Carlin, Class Clown, "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television"

Now, we are all dealing with this guy
                                   and the theme is not nicknames for body parts.

Let's go create some diversity.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Some days I wish I was back in Government School

 This will be happening on September 8th.

I encourage every Parent and School Kid to protest, refuse to comply, turn off the television, skip class, disrupt, walk out, play hooky.

Medved despises the LP so it must be serious when I post a link to one of his articles.
link to recommended study materials borrowed from Trey Garrison
P.S.  Don't even think about going to YouTube and seaching Obama Kids.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Too many atheists to put this at the other blog

I just paid my automobile insurance

I got a letter delivered to my house, plus an email a month ago.   Then reminder emails every few days.  As the contract deadline approached I decided it was time to pay up.  I'm going to log into the web site and pay my insurance premium. Then, I saw the 1-800 number.  Give it shot.  Maybe, Maybe 90 seconds and I've paid my bill for another six months.  Astoundingly easy, convenient, I love how they go out of their way to please me.  A confirmation email arrives before I hang up the phone.  This is perfectly easy.

I don't want to advertise for them because acronymically they represent government employees, but I'm amazed at what has just happened.  I've paid money to a service provider that I employee, from my bank to their bank, electronically, using software created by other parties.  Myself, the insurance company, the banks, all communicating almost instantaneously across networks created by others and offered for useful exchange, exchanging money safely, all because of our wonderful Capitalistic system of voluntary cooperation.

Amidst this honeycomb of cooperative happiness exist tyrants sticking their thieving little hands into the system in order to extract some booty unearned.  Money regulations, Credit Card laws, Internet overseers, Bank inspectors - but Free Men find a way.

Would, could such convenience have been created by a Monopoly ?

"....most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.” -- John Holt

My brother's wife is a Master Teacher ( 20+ years working in government schools ), one brother teaches at government schools, and I spent many years in the system as a lad.
Am I looking for an excuse ?  Perhaps.
I've watched nieces and nephews navigate the system and have Grand nieces and nephews fast approaching the government schools.  What help can I provide?  I teach them to be an individual, to rebel from the collective.