In 2000 the United Nations
proclaimed the goal of halving the number of earth's inhabitants
living in extreme poverty by 2015, compared to 1990.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Human Factor by Graham Greene
The Human Factor ![](
Could a child be forced into a hospital as he could be forced into a school?
Graham Greene at Wikipedia.
Film review
Watson had tried once to be a barrister and failed. His obvious integrity perhaps offended judges; a moral tone, most judges seemed to feel, should be reserved for the Bench and not employed by junior counsel.
"I suppose you are afraid of being bugged at the Reform."
"Why not? Surrounded by a bunch of one man one vote fanatics. If they were capable of giving the vote to a bunch of cannibals..."
"You mustn't run down cannibals," Hargreaves said, "some of my best friends have been cannibals, and now that Browne with an e is out of earshot..."
"Then we'd have to act quickly. Have you decided on how we should act?"
"I'm working on rather a cute little notion, John. Peanuts."
"Those little salted things you eat with cocktails."
"Of course I know what peanuts are, Emmanuel. Don't forget I was a Commissioner in West Africa."
How many agents of his, he wondered, were incriminated? His own relative safety made him feel shame. In a genuine war and officer can always die with his men and so keep his self-respect. |
He thought of what his Communist friend Carson had so often said to him -- "Our worst enemies here are not the ignorant and the simple, however cruel, our worst enemies are the intelligent and the corrupt."
An enemy had to remain a caricature if he was to be kept at a safe distance: an enemy should never come alive. The generals were right -- no Christmas cheer ought to be exchanged between the trenches.
"What exactly did you mean by Q.E.D.?" Sir John Hargreavs asked when they managed to get outside.
"It seemed a more suitable response to what the Vicar was saying than Amen."
"You'd find a rather different Moscow to Chekhov's."
"Why, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't give you the Order of Lenin or put you on a postage stamp like Sorge."
"Sorge was a communist."
"I don't even have any work. I'm a man on the dole. Is that your bloody socialism?"
Graham Greene at Wikipedia.
Film review
20 Obvious Questions for John Hawkins
I copied/pasted Mr. Hawkins article into the blog. My comments are in red.
the original article is here.
dated May 2, 2012 at
20 Obvious Truths That
Will Shock Liberals by John Hawkins
John Hawkins is a professional blogger who runs Right Wing News
1) The Founding Fathers were generally religious, gun-toting small
government fanatics who were so far to the Right that they'd make Ann
Coulter look like Jimmy Carter.
In what way do conservatives promote gun-toting and/or small government?
In what way do conservatives promote gun-toting and/or small government?
2) The greatest evil this country has ever committed isn't slavery;
it's killing more than 50 million innocent children via abortion.
What is proper sentencing for a woman found guilty of aborting a fetus?
What is proper sentencing for a woman found guilty of aborting a fetus?
3) Conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and all you have to do to prove it is look at all the studies showing that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals do.
Does it bother conservatives when liberals label them as uncharitable?
4) When the Founding Fathers were actually around, there were
official state religions and the Bible was used as a textbook in
schools. The so-called "wall of separation between church and state" has
absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do
with liberal hostility to Christianity.
Do Christian conservatives wish to send their children to Christian schools operated by the government?
Do Christian conservatives wish to send their children to Christian schools operated by the government?
5) The biggest problem with our economy today is Barack Obama. His
demonization of successful people, his driving up gas prices, his
regulatory overload and threats to increase taxes have terrified
businesses into hunkering down, refusing to spend money, and declining
to hire new people. Replacing him would do more than any government
policy to spur economic growth.
Which regulations will a conservative President work to eliminate?
Which regulations will a conservative President work to eliminate?
6) Not only are conservatives more patriotic than liberals, but most American liberals "love" America in about the same way that a wife-beater loves his wife.
Is patriotism so important that a conservative would mandate patriotic actions?
7) Out of every 100 cries of “Racism” you hear these days, 99 are motivated by nothing other than politics.
Why do conservatives find it so difficult to ignore demagoguery while standing by principle?
Why do conservatives find it so difficult to ignore demagoguery while standing by principle?
8) Anyone paying income taxes is certainly paying his “fair share" -- and then some -- compared to the people who pay nothing.
Why do conservatives oppose equal taxation?
Why do conservatives oppose equal taxation?
9) You don't have a "right" to anything that other people have to pay to provide for you.
When are conservatives going to promote across the board tax cuts for everyone in the USA?
When are conservatives going to promote across the board tax cuts for everyone in the USA?
10) If we can ask people to present an ID to buy alcohol, drive a
car, or get on an airplane, then asking them to present identification
to vote is a no-brainer.
Why do conservatives intrude on the lives of others by preventing them from traveling freely?
Why do conservatives intrude on the lives of others by preventing them from traveling freely?
11) There's absolutely nothing that the government does smarter,
better, or more efficiently than the private market with roughly
equivalent resources.
Which societal tasks currently handled by government should be privatized?
Which societal tasks currently handled by government should be privatized?
12) The biggest problem with education in this country is liberals.
They fight vouchers, oppose merit pay, refuse to get rid of terrible
teachers, and bend over backwards to keep poor kids trapped in failing
Why do conservatives wish to keep those responsible for failing schools in charge of these schools?
Why do conservatives wish to keep those responsible for failing schools in charge of these schools?
13) Fascism, socialism, and communism are all left-wing movements
that have considerably more in common with modern liberalism than modern
Why do conservatives combat left wing authoritarianism with right wing authoritarianism?
Why do conservatives combat left wing authoritarianism with right wing authoritarianism?
14) The Democratic Party was behind slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow
laws. It was also the party of Margaret Sanger, George Wallace, and Bull
Connor. It has ALWAYS been a racist party. Even today, white liberals
support Affirmative Action and racial set-asides because they still
believe black Americans are too inferior to go up against whites on an
even playing field.
Are Republican candidates going to call for the removal of all affirmative action policies?
Are Republican candidates going to call for the removal of all affirmative action policies?
15) A man with good morals who falls short and becomes a hypocrite is
still a far better man than a liberal who can never be called a
hypocrite because he has no morals at all.
What morals do conservatives possess that are lacking in liberals?
What morals do liberals possess that are lacking in conservatives?
16) The most dire threat to America's future and prosperity in the
last 150 years hasn't been the Nazis, the Soviets, or Al-Qaeda;, it's
the spending and overreach of our own government.
What government programs should be eliminated?
What government programs should be eliminated?
17) Greed isn't someone wanting to keep more of what he earns; it's
people demanding a greater share of money that someone else earns.
How much of a man's earnings would a conservative allow that man to retain to spend as he wills?
How much of a man's earnings would a conservative allow that man to retain to spend as he wills?
18) Most of the time in American politics, the liberal "victim" is
really a bad guy who is absolutely delighted by the opportunity to
pretend to be "offended."
Are conservatives offended when Mothers ask "What American interests in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America require military protection?"
Are conservatives offended when Mothers ask "What American interests in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America require military protection?"
19) Jesus Christ was not a conservative, a liberal, or a politician.
He was also not a capitalist or a socialist. Still, you can say this:
Jesus drew sharp lines about what's right and wrong, he wasn't tolerant
of what the Bible categorizes as sinful behavior, and there's absolutely
no question that he would adamantly oppose abortion and gay marriage.
Do conservatives wish to make the teachings of Jesus the standard of governance?
Do conservatives wish to make the teachings of Jesus the standard of governance?
20) When you demand that other people fund your sexual escapades by
buying your contraception, your sex life becomes their business.
Do conservatives fund prostitutes and their customers?
Do conservatives fund prostitutes and their customers?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
I'm Getting Old
I just finished chatting with an AT&T rep. I was asking for cell phone suggestions for the MIL.
AT&T sales representatives are happy to assist you with your questions. Click below to begin your live text chat.
AT&T sales representatives will not have access to your personal account. This service is provided to you under AT&Ts Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
You are now chatting with Anita J., an AT&T sales representative.
Anita J.: Welcome to AT&T online Sales support. My name is Anita. How may I assist you with placing your order today?
Anita J.: Hi!
Tim: I already have ATT service. I need a phone for a 78 year old lady
Tim: Poor eyesight and shaky fingers. No internet or texting necessary.
Anita J.: I would be happy to assist with a new line.
Tim: She wants to push buttons vs. dialing with a touchscreen.
Anita J.: One moment while I look up the phones please.
Anita J.: Would a flip phone be more suitable?
Tim: I don't think flip is a difficulty. She needs large display, big buttons, no apps.
Anita J.: I will send the link to you to view the phone.
Tim: ok
Anita J.: Click here to view Samsung Rugby II
Tim: thank you
Below is a picture of the phone I have owned and used for the last two years.
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