Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Senator Kerry Exposes Core Tenet Of Authoritarian Liberalism


HT: The Whited Sepulchre


"We must contemplate some extremely unpleasant possibilities, just because we want to avoid them and achieve something better. Nobody, however, likes to think about anything unpleasant, even to avoid it. And so the crucial problem of thermonuclear war is frequently dispatched with the label 'War is unthinkable' -- which, translated freely, means we don't want to think about it." -- Albert Wohlstetter (1913-1997) Professor, nuclear strategist, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1985

"The human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenceless
against ourselves." -- Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975) British historian

"It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist Party than they are to either of their own party platforms in that critical year." -- Walter Trohan
(1903-2003) Chicago Tribune reporter (1929-1972) and bureau chief in Washington, D.C. Source: CHICAGO TRIBUNE, October 5, 1970

"Everything is in place - after 500 years - to build a true 'new world' in the Western Hemisphere... And what happens if we don't pass NAFTA? I truly don't think that 'criminal' would be too strong a word for rejecting NAFTA." -- David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather Source: Wall Street Journal, October 1, 1993

"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order."
-- Henry Kissinger (1923- ) Former US Secretary of State Source: Aug.1993, Los Angeles Times Syndicate

"Somehow we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder the poor." -- John Foster Dulles former Secretary of State

"We demand entire freedom of action and then expect the government in some miraculous way to save us from the consequences of our own acts.... Self-government means self-reliance." -- Calvin Coolidge (1873-1933), 30th US President

"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him." -- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer




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HT: Greg Mankiw

Friedrich Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

Bill Clinton, 9/21: "Do you know how many political and economic decisions are made in this world by people who don't know what in the living daylights they are talking about?"


The Dallas Morning News sends me a question every week or so.  It's called "Sounding Off".
My latest response below.

From: "Landauer, Michael"
To: "Landauer, Michael" Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 3:31:02 PM
Subject: Sounding Off (Central)

I have a two-part question for you. Part One will run this weekend, and Part Two will run next weekend. Answer both parts in one email.
Part One:
Should Texas have term limits for the governor's office? What other offices, if any, should be subject to term limits?

 Yes - One term, five years, elections held during years that are multiples of five.  Any individual may hold the office once for no more than five years.
All federal and state offices should have limits of two terms which can not be served consecutively.
Part Two:
Whom do you support in the governor's race (and why)?

Kathie Glass - Libertarian.
Liberty For All.
Libertarianism For Texans.

Michael Landauer
Assistant Editorial Page Editor for Reader Engagement
The Dallas Morning News 

too late correction:  My response should read "An individual" instead of "Any individual".

Monday, September 27, 2010

Austin Flush With Cash - Dallas Broke And Indebted

Paternopoly - form of authoritarian government in which office holders view non-office holders as being immaturely unable to make life decisions in the best interest of themselves and their chosen community.

Maternopoly - form of authoritarian government in which office holders view non-office holders as being immaturely unable to provide for themselves requiring the the office holders  to intervene by providing goods and services.


Post My Comment


2:19 PM on September 23, 2010
Austin must be flush with cash. Dallas is broke and in debt.


"Are we going to take the hands of the federal government completely off any effort to adjust the growing of national crops, and go right straight back to the old principle that every farmer is a lord of his own farm and can do anything he wants, raise anything, any old time, in any quantity, and sell any time he wants?" -- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US President Source: May 31, 1935 press conference, responding to a Supreme Court decision that defined the commerce clause narrowly enough to interfere with his regulation of farm products

"The constitutionality and propriety of the Federal Government assuming to enter into a novel and vast field of legislation, namely, that of providing for the care and support of all those … who by any form of calamity become fit objects of public philanthropy. ... I cannot find any authority in the Constitution for making the Federal Government the great almoner of public charity throughout the United States. To do so would, in my judgment, be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Constitution and subversive of the whole theory upon which the Union of these States is founded." -- Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) U.S. President Source: May 3, 1854, President vetoed a bill

"To the extent that these [New Deal policies] developed, they were tortured interpretations of a document [the Constitution] intended to prevent them."
-- Rexford Tugwell (1891-1979) American agricultural economist, served in FDR's administration, one of the chief intellectual contributors to the New Deal, director of the New York City Planning Commission, Governor of Puerto Rico, and a professor at various universities. 1968 Source: quoted by Roger Pilon, Restoring Constitutional Government, CATO’S LETTER #9, p. 3, published by the Cato Institute (1995).

"[Socialism] is a creed even more denigrating than Catholicism, but it offers more tangible bribes for its acceptance." -- Auberon Herbert (1838-1906) English author

"When Michelle and I decided that I would run for President, it was because of a shared belief in the power of community and connection, a commitment to the idea that we are our brothers' keepers." -- Barack Hussein Obama (1961-) 44th President of the United States Source: Campaign email sent by, Sep. 13, 2010

"Never trust governments absolutely and always do what you can to prevent them from doing too much harm." -- John Arthur Passmore (1914-2004) Australian philosopher



"The Libertarian Party neither supports nor opposes gay relationships. Libertarians are black, white, young, old, straight, gay, Christian, atheist, yuppie, hippie, rich, poor, greedy, generous, eccentric and just plain average. Though their backgrounds and lifestyles are diverse, they are united on the principle of minimum government and maximum freedom." -- LP Executive Director Wes Benedict



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

John Jay Myers For Congress vs. Pete Sessions


Fred On Everything

The U.S. these days rolls in passive aggression.


                               These words refer to the wielding of power by a single person or a small group of people, usually without the consent of the governed.




It’s been said “A vote for a third party is a wasted vote.” 

I say “A vote not for a third party is a vote that is wasting our country.”

Marsha Carter, Abilene


 I leave a note for Malkin readers.

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin

The Delphi Disaster: An Economic Horror Story Obama Won't Tell

935 Comments So Far
Tim Wrote: 0 minutes ago (2:40 PM)
Government is not broken, needing to be fixed. MM's article describes how government functions daily, always and forever.

Liberty For All,
A Libertarian For America

"I hope we shall take warning from the example of England and crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our Government to trial, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -- Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

"In 1891, [Cecile] Rhodes organized a secret society with members in a "Circle of Initiates" and an outer circle known as the "Association of Helpers" later organized as the Round Table organization. In 1909-1913, they organized semi-secret groups known as Round Table Groups in the chief British dependencies and the United States. In 1919, they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Similar Institutes of International Affairs were established in the chief British dominions and the United States where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations. After 1925, the Institute of Pacific Relations was set up in twelve Pacific area countries. They were constantly harping on the lessons to be learned from the failure of the American Revolution and the success of the Canadian federation of 1867 and hoped to federate the various parts of the empire and then confederate the whole with the United Kingdom.
There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates to some extent in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life,
been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." -- Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) Professor of International Relations, Georgetown University Foreign Service School, Washington, D.C., member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton
Source: Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, 1966, pg 131, 950

"The history of government management of money has, except
for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud
and deception." -- Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974

  John Stossel

John Stossel

The Battle for the Future 

It takes strength to say no to government freebies. When I've said to tea partiers, "We should cut Medicare, eliminate agriculture subsidies, kill entire federal agencies," the enthusiasm usually fades from their eyes.

The Battle: How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future


Monday, September 20, 2010

Capital Gains Taxes Should Be Abolished

"Absent an outright end to this destructive tax, bureaucrats should at least stop taxing phantom gains." -- Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute.

The capital gains tax is a perverse form of double taxation that should be abolished. This bad tax is especially damaging because families often are taxed on gains that are solely the result of inflation. This video explains how taxpayers could be protected by indexing the capital gains tax so the levy only applies to inflation-adjusted gains.


 my reply to a Dallas Tea Party email copied below:

While you're pressuring Hunt to change her vote, I suggest you also pressure the other seven tax-hike supporters to change their votes.

"The memo was sent from District 14 councilwoman Angela Hunt's office, who was in agreement with colleagues Delia Jasso, Vonciel Jones Hill, Carolyn Davis, Tennell Atkins, Dwaine Caraway, Steve Salazar and Pauline Medrano."

           Tim Lebsack
            Precinct 3211 Chair
            Libertarian Party of Dallas County

From: mark_5
To: tim_lebsack@yahoo.comSent: Mon, September 20, 2010 11:31:18 AM
Subject:  Petition Dallas City Council to vote Against Tax Increases

Angela Hunt and the Dallas City Council wish to sock Dallas residents with the largest tax increase in 20 years.

Angela Hunt is the swing vote on the Council. She currently favors tax increases.

We wonder: Is ANGELA HUNT THE NANCY PELOSI OF DALLAS, indifferent to the plight of Dallas taxpayers in a worsening recession?

On Wednesday, September 22, the Dallas City Council will vote on tax hikes for Dallas property owners.
          You can Reach Angela Hunt at 214-670-5415 or at or


State lotteries make us worse off by wasting gambling money that would otherwise be productively spent. --  Akiva


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"A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking. Let us examine the points in which it varies from pure democracy, and we shall comprehend both the nature of the cure and the efficacy which it must derive from the Union."
-- James Madison (1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President
Source: Federalist Paper #10, 1787

"It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error." -- Justice Robert H. Jackson (1892-1954), U. S. Supreme Court Justice
Source: US Supreme Court, American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950)

If our Trade be taxed, why not our Lands, or Produce in short, everything we possess? They tax us without having legal representation. -- Samuel Adams
(1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution." Source: after the Stamp Act of 1765.

"On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President Source: to Justice William Johnson, 1823, The Complete Jefferson, p. 322

"The people of the U.S. owe their Independence & their liberty, to the wisdom of descrying in the minute tax of 3 pence on tea, the magnitude of the evil comprised in the precedent. Let them exert the same wisdom, in watching against every evil lurking under plausible disguises, and growing up from small beginnings." -- James Madison
(1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President Source: James Madison's 'Detached Memoranda,' ca. 1817 W. & M. Q., 3d ser., 3:554--60 1946

"Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little."
-- Plutarch (c.45-125 A.D.) Priest of the Delphic Oracle


Remember you are part of something larger than yourself. – Antony Holland


re: Politicians

"They're not like pro athletes - they're not supposed to get endorsement money." -- Tim Lebsack


* During the last election, voters seemed to believe electing even a half-wit would be an improvement. And Barack Obama is no half-wit. He has all his wits about him. Trouble is, he was also the candidate of choice for those who prefer handouts. And his election marks a major milestone; the “takers” now control the White House and Congress. They control America.

*Obama won 28 states. John McCain won 22. The Obama states are full of debt – with an average per-capita state debt of $1,728. The McCain states are relatively solvent, with an average per- capita debt of only $749.

*In the states that went most heavily for Obama – Hawaii, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maryland – the average state debt per capita was even higher, at $4,606.  




Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dallas Cops, How Do You Plea ?

Less than two years on the force and Dallas cops are already beating people.



I do my best work, get my best ideas, am most creative around 5AM.  Unfortunately I'm also asleep at the time. -- Tim Lebsack




Posted By: tim_lebsack(10) on 9/15/2010 | 3:30 PM ET
re: "But here's a suggestion for policymaking about small business. Base it on the facts, not on wishful mythmaking — however bipartisan."
I've got a better idea. Government, stay out of business of any size. Stick to your Constitutional authority and leave business alone. It'll be okay without your misguided help.

Small Business Is Overrated As Job Engine By RUTH MARCUS


Monday, September 13, 2010

Richard Forsythe commenting on Facebook

We now join a conversation already in progress between founding fathers just prior to the Constitutional Convention concerning which federal powers would be appropriate to assign to Congress...

Jefferson: The new Congress should have the to coin money.
Franklin: Yes, and establish post offices and roads.
Madison: Good idea. How about naturalization laws?
Hamilton: Of course. And to punish counterfeiting.
Jefferson: Excellent, Alex. And raising and supporting armies and a navy.
Madison: Well, yeah Thom, that goes without saying.
Jefferson: Yeah, I know, James... but we need to be specific about this stuff.
Madison: Yeah, you're right.
Washington: How about copyright protections?
Franklin: Oh, good one George. I hadn't thought about that.
Coates: Hey guys, how about teaching uncircumcised men in Africa how to wash their genitals after sex?
Madison: (sigh)
Jefferson: Declaring war should be in there.
Adams: Yeah, and punishing piracies.
Washington: Creating courts under the Supreme Count.
Hamilton: Definitely. Bankruptcy laws should be in there too.
Coates: So it's a "no" on dick washing then?
Adams: Regulating commerce with foreign nations.
Jefferson: Yeah, and between the states.
Adams: And with the Indians.
Jefferson: Okay, I think that's a good start; let's start writing this stuff down. Let's meet back here in... (wink)... say... (wink)... six months... (wink, wink) to pick this Constitution thing back up then (wink).
Adams: Uh, yeah... six months... that's a good idea.
Franklin: Outstanding idea. Let's all disband now, go back to our homes, and be back here in six months.
Coates: Cool, I need another drink anyway. I'll see you guys in six months.
Washington: Yeah, okay, Coates, take it easy... we'll see you then.
Coates: Okay, check you dudes later. Bye.
Jefferson: Idiot.


Who got the A+ ? 
I'll give you one guess.

Gun Owners of America House Ratings for the 111th Congress

A+ Pro-Gun Leader: introduces pro-gun legislation.
A & A- Pro-Gun Voter: philosophically sound.
B & B- Pro-Gun Compromiser: generally leans our way.
C & C- Leans Our Way: occasionally.
D & D- Leans Anti-Gun: usually against us.
F Anti-Gun Voter: a philosophically committed anti-gunner.
F- Anti-Gun Leader: outspoken anti-gun advocate who carries anti-gun legislation.
NR Not rated: Refused to answer his or her questionnaire; no track record.



Ben Chavis Schools The SchoolMasters

"I don't do no teacher evaluations. All I do is go into a class, and if the kids ain't working, your ass is fired."


"The pages of history shine on instances of the jury's exercise of its  prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge..." -- U.S. vs. Dougherty
Source: 473 F 2nd 1113, 1139. (1972)

"To render the magistrate a judge of truth, and engage his authority in the suppression of opinions, shews an inattention to the nature and designs of political liberty." -- Robert Hall (1764-1831) Source: An Apology for the Liberty of the Press, 1793

"The jury has the right to determine both the law and the facts." -- Samuel Chase
(1741-1811) Signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Maryland, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
Source: 1796


By tim_lebsack posted 54 minutes and 55 seconds ago
Kathie Glass(L) is the only candidate whose issue stance and party platform are both 100% in favor of the right of defense and the right to bear arms. Liberty For All.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir

 With Angela drawn to the hangdog look and Malachy lonely after three months in jail, there was bound to be a knee-trembler.

Why don't you go to America where there's room for all sorts of uselessness?  I'll give you the fare.

The woman says, Lord, he's a dote.  Is he an American or what?

If you ever say anything good about Oliver Cromwell they'll all hit you.

The master says it's a glorious thing to die for the Faith and Dad says it's a glorious thing to die for Ireland and I wonder if there's anyone in the world who would like us to live.

It's well known that all the lunatics in the asylum have to be dragged in but she's the only one that has to be dragged out, back to her five children and the champion of all pint drinkers.

Cuchulain was getting to be an old man of twenty-one.

If you have anything to say, shut up.
It's the sermon that saves millions of Chinese and other heathens from winding up in hell with the Protestants.

Croquet is a Protestant game.

I want to tell them I won't be able to die for the Faith because I'm already booked to die for Ireland.

I sign right away.  Billy says, I have my own sister.  Why should I pay to see your naked sisters?

It's lovely to know the world can't interfere with the inside of your head.

Dad says, The good Catholic woman must perform her wifely duties and submit to her husband or face eternal damnation.
Mam says, As long as there are no more children eternal damnation sounds attractive enough to me.

Now that your father is gone to England surely our troubles will be over.

Guard Dennehy says I"m too young yet to be and outlaw and a father but I have a promising future in both departments.

Uncle Pa Keating says he can't think of a single saint in heaven he'd want to sit down and have a pint with.

You'd have to be a sad case not to be able to get a job in a country that's at war....

But I need the job.  I have to save and go to America.
America.  Sad day when America lets in the likes of you.


"For more than six hundred years -- that is, since the Magna Carta in 1215 -- there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust, oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating or resisting the execution of such laws." -- Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) Political theorist, activist, abolitionist Source: AN ESSAY ON THE TRIAL BY JURY p. 11 (1852)

"The law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided." -- Harlan F. Stone, 12th Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court, Source: 1941

"The jury has the power to bring a verdict in the teeth of both law and fact." -- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., (1841-1935) US Supreme Court Justice


For The Dallas City Council .....

this edition of Takers / Givers is 
for the Dallas City Council

   Takers                    Givers

Spend money to grow government                     Invest money to grow industry, individuals

Disrespect private property                                 Respect private property

Encourage you to get a job                                 Encourage you to start a business

Debit the account                                                 Credit the account

High taxes so that non-wealth                              Low taxes to keep
producers may confiscate assets                       assets producing wealth

Loot the principal                                                  Invest the interest

Small number of citizens                                      Every man a king
control a large number   

Family, Community, Society                                 Family, Community, Society
arranged by authorities                                         arranged by freedom of association

Rob Peter to pay Paul                                          Rob no one


If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination.  -- Thomas de Quincey


It is my firm conviction that if the State suppressed capitalism by violence, it will be caught in the coils of violence itself, and will fail to develop non-violence at any time. The State represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.  -- Gandhi


"Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." -- John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) 6th US President

"It is incorrect to think of liberty as synonymous with unrestrained action. Liberty does not and cannot include any action, regardless of sponsorship, which lessens the liberty of a single human being. To argue contrarily is to claim that liberty can be composed of liberty negations, patently absurd. Unrestraint carried to the point of impairing the liberty of others is the exercise of license, not liberty. To minimize the exercise of license is to maximize the area of liberty. Ideally, government would restrain license, not indulge in it; make it difficult, not easy; disgraceful, not popular. A government that does otherwise is licentious, not liberal." -- Leonard E. Read (1898-1983) founder of the Foundation for Economic Education
Source: Leonard E. Read, in The Freeman

"When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President


"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude and perseverance. Let us remember that "if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom," it is a very serious consideration ... that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event."
-- Samuel Adams (1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."

"There is simply no escaping the fact that the fate of the Constitution is in our hands -- as voters, representatives, justices. If we allow ourselves to abuse the tradition of higher lawmaking, the very idea that the Constitution can be viewed as the culminating expression of a mobilized citizenry will disintegrate. After all, the American Republic is no more eternal than the Roman -- and it will come to an end when American citizens betray their Constitution’s fundamental ideals and aspirations so thoroughly that existing institutions merely parody the public meanings they formerly conveyed."
-- Bruce Ackerman (1943-) American constitutional law scholar, Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, Source: WE THE PEOPLE: FOUNDATIONS, 291 (1991)

"Freedom may come quickly in robes of peace, or after ages of conflict and war;
but come it will, and abide it will, so long as the principles by which it was acquired are held sacred." -- Edward Everett (1794-1865) American politician and educator from Massachusetts. US Representative, US Senator, 15th Governor of Massachusetts, Minister to Great Britain, US Secretary of State, professor and president of Harvard
Source: Orations and Speeches. Address, Aug. 25, 1835. Before the Literary Societies of Amherst College.


Dallas Police Kill Robbery Suspect
Case Closed