Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drug Task Forces - Financially Independent Thanks To Asset Forfeiture

In 2008 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives asked for bids from private contractors on 2,000 Leatherman pocket knives for its agents, to be inscribed with the phrase “Always Think Forfeiture,” a play on the agency’s traditional “ATF” initials. The agency rescinded the order after it was reported in the Idaho Statesman, but critics said it betrayed the ethic of an organization more interested in taking people’s property than in fighting crime.
The Forfeiture Racket

In a 2001 study published in the Journal of Criminal Justice, the University of Texas at Dallas criminologist John Worral surveyed 1,400 police departments around the country on their use of forfeiture and the way they incorporated seized assets into their budgets. Worral, who describes himself as agnostic on the issue, concluded that “a substantial proportion of law enforcement agencies are dependent on civil asset forfeiture” and that “forfeiture is coming to be viewed not only as a budgetary supplement, but as a necessary source of income.” Almost half of surveyed police departments with more than 100 law enforcement personnel said forfeiture proceeds were “necessary as a budget supplement” for department operations.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Need Structure, You Need Discipline --

                         No, sir. I wanted to show my 
                         girlfriend your Nazi plate.

               A beat.


                         Yes, sir. She lives next door.

               The Colonel glances toward the window.

               His POV: in the window across from us, Jane peeks out from 
               behind the drape. She quickly pulls it shut.

                         Her name's Jane.

               A beat. The Colonel is suddenly, deeply shamed.

                         This is for your own good, boy. You 
                         have no respect for other people's 
                         things, for authority, for...

                         Sir, I'm sorry.

                         You can't just go around doing 
                         whatever you feel like, you can't--
                         there are rules in life--

                         Yes, sir.

                         You need structure, you need 

                         Discipline. Yes, sir, thank you for 
                         trying to teach me. Don't give up on 
                         me, Dad.
American Beauty 

We Can’t Trust Fingerprint Evidence

Remember: Using others' images on the web without their permission may be bad manners, or worse, copyright infringement.  hahahahahahahahaha

Houston Police Fingerprint Analysis Flawed 

 "An analyst in Houston could conceivably come to different conclusions from an analyst in Dallas about whether prints are usable, or even whether they belong to the same person."


Monday, January 25, 2010

Famous Quotes From ....

Michael Cloud --

If someone truly believes in "equal pay for equal work," shouldn't he embrace all the corollaries?

* Different pay for different work.
* Outstanding pay for outstanding work.
* Good pay for good work.
* Mediocre pay for mediocre work.
* Substandard pay for substandard work.
* NO pay for NO work.


Friday, January 22, 2010

The Six Miracles Of Socialism

1 There is no unemployment, but no one works.
2 No one works, but everyone gets paid.
3 Everyone gets paid, but there is nothing to buy with the money.
4 No one can buy anything, but everyone owns everything.
5 Everyone owns everything, but no one is satisfied.
6 No one is satisfied, but 99 percent of the people vote for the system. 

– Anonymous

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I GOT A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT !! - actually from his buddy

I'm going to use it to explain a bit about freedom.
Listen closely, Mitch Stewart.

Organizing for America
Tim --

Yesterday's disappointing election results show deep discontent with the pace of change. I know the OFA community and the President share that frustration.  Don't you mean that OFA/Obama share in the disappointment you speak of ??  Not the frustration.

We also saw what we knew to be true all along: Any change worth making is hard and will be fought at every turn. Would it be preferable to not fight ??  While it doesn't take away the sting of this loss, there is no road to real change without setbacks along the way.  The Republican boss is saying the same thing to his underlings. Is he different from you, Mitch Stewart ?

We could have simply sought to do things that were easy, that wouldn't stir up controversy. But changes that aren't controversial rarely solve the problem.  Your opponents do not claim to have the same problem or they prefer to fix it in a differently.  Are you opposed to diversity ?

Our country continues to face the same fundamental challenges it faced yesterday. Our health care system still needs reform.  Agreed - let's allow freedom of association and freedom of contract.  Wall Street still needs to be held accountable. Agreed - any theft or fraud should be dealt with by our justice system.  We still need to create good jobs. Agreed - allow business to proceed unmolested, let entrepreneurs experiment with new technology and allow the simplification of employee/employer contracts so that everyone benefits.  And we still need to continue building a clean energy economy. Agreed - let people use the energy they prefer.  The cleanest, most efficient energy will prevail. 

No one is stopping you, Mitch Stewart.  Don't steal or defraud anyone during the process and you can reform, account, create and build as much as you desire.

The President isn't walking away from these challenges. In fact, his determination and resolve are only stronger. We must match that commitment with our own.  Are you asking us to be AGGRESSIVE, Mitch Stewart ?

But it won't be easy. Real change never is. For that reason, I am grateful you're part of this fight This is a fight ?  Okay - You answered my previous question. with us.

Thank you,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
This email was sent to:

Mitch Stewart - I encourage you to consider the Libertarian way. The way of non-violence.

Politics is deal making, often mixed with aggressiveness and fraud, which is why libertarians desire to minimize politics in the daily life of every human. Help us out, Mitch Stewart.  Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Secure your checked bags -- fly with a gun

If you want to keep your checked valuables from being stolen while you fly, just keep a gun in your suitcase. Many airports won't let you effectively lock your suitcases when you fly, and the new limits on carry-on luggage thanks to moisture-terror-hysteria mean it's open season for unscrupulous TSA employees and baggage handlers who want to help themselves to expensive cameras and other valuable in checked bags.
But once you add a gun -- even a starter pistol -- to your luggage, it gets extra-locked, gains new tracking privileges, and is subject to heightened scrutiny all the way to your destination.
A "weapons" is defined as a rifle, shotgun, pistol, airgun, and STARTER PISTOL. Yes, starter pistols - those little guns that fire blanks at track and swim meets - are considered weapons...and do NOT have to be registered in any state in the United States. I have a starter pistol for all my cases. All I have to do upon check-in is tell the airline ticket agent that I have a weapon to declare...I'm given a little card to sign, the card is put in the case, the case is given to a TSA official who takes my key and locks the case, and gives my key back to me.
That's the procedure. The case is extra-tracked...TSA does not want to lose a weapons case. This reduces the chance of the case being lost to virtually zero.
It's a great way to travel with camera gear...I've been doing this since Dec 2001 and have had no problems whatsoever.
Link (Thanks, Dan! 

House - Need To Know - Season 2 Episode 11

  • I hunted and hunted but couldn't find a vidclip.
  • Oncologist Dr. Wilson is House's friend.

  • House House 11"x17" Poster
    Buy at

    House knocking on the door to Wilson's office:" I know you're in there. I can hear you caring." [After getting no response, House goes around to a side door to enter from the balcony] "The door was locked."
    Wilson, barely looking up while rolling a joint: "Means I didn't want to see anyone."
    House, noting what Wilson is doing: "High school reunion?"
    Wilson: "It's for a patient. She can't roll. Now lock that door, too."
    House: "Paranoia. Must be the good stuff. Times like these I wish I had cancer. So what did she say?"
    Wilson: "That depends. What did you do, and who are we talking about?"
    House: "We both know that as soon as we talked you ran to Stacy so you could gossip and giggle. I need to know what she said."
    Wilson: "I have a crazy idea: why don't you go talk to her?"
    House: "Because my bestest buddy says that could lead to trouble."
    Wilson: "She sounds confused, but I dont' think she is. I think she's waiting for you to do something to show her you're serious."
    House: "Wow. It's a big jump from infidelity is morally wrong to 'do her'."
    Wilson: "I didn't say 'do her'. I said do something."
    House: "What exactly did she say?"
    Wilson: "She didn't say it was a mistake."
    House: "She's not gonna leave Mark in the middle of his rehab. Too much guilt."
    Wilson: "She left you."
    House: "Harsh toke, dude." (When leaving House tries to take one of the joints but Wilson notices and makes him put it back.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avatar - Playing At A Cinema In China

Many Americans are judging the movie Avatar to be a nature allegory.  Environmentalists are using the movie to encourage an aggressive government to ignore property rights.  The opposite is happening in China.

Cafehayek dot com

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If Reid Is Guilty Of Anything, Which Is His Greater Offense?

Saying something uncouth, or advocating and working hard to bring about the destruction of American liberty?

The Humble Electric Blanket - Tool For Longevity

Sleep - along with breathing and eating, one of the primary aspects of our existence -

So important that nature has us spend a third of our lives in this lovely state.  I say lovely because sleep is wondrous, the dream period when we know we can lay down our tired bodies and minds to wake for continued and new challenges.

Scientific research into sleep has made small progress into the mystery.  We still only speculate about most characteristics of this human essentiality.

Cool or even cold ambient temperatures seem to enhance sleep, while warm ambient temperatures can make sleep difficult.  Not so with our body temperature.  We like it warm under the night covers.  

Kansas State University offers this tip regarding room and body temperature.

Room temperature

Sleep in a cool room (60 degrees or so). Pile on another blanket or add one under the mattress pad rather than turn up the heat. A physician I know used this principle while in medical school; he kept an air conditioner on in his room all year. He said it helped him sleep better so that he needed less sleep. You don't need to go to such extremes, but do keep it cool.

The Electric Blanket - God's gift to human ingenuity, moving humanity from the misery of cold to warmth akin to love .  An electric blanket allows ambient coolness but provides bodily warmth without a ponderous mass of blankets saddling us like a pack mule.  The rheostat (or two rheostats, one per side, for large blankets) allows the user(s) to fine tune their warmth needs.

Electricity costs are minor.  A full sized blanket will use around $15 worth of electricity per winter. 
Sleep - warm, restful sleep - priceless.

Sleep is growth.  Growth is repair.  Repair is thriving.  Hinder growth and the result is a body in decay. The blessing of the electric blanket ... long life and health.

Use an electric blanket during the winter month's and you will sleep well so that your body will repair itself.  Thank man's ingenuity and progress -  and be prepared to live a long, long time.

Friday, January 8, 2010

More Dastardly Rumors About Texas Schools


Sec. 25.081.  OPERATION OF SCHOOLS.  (a)  Except as authorized under Subsection (b) of this section, Section 25.084, or Section 29.0821, for each school year each school district must operate so that the district provides for at least 180 days of instruction for students.
(b)  The commissioner may approve the instruction of students for fewer than the number of days required under Subsection (a) if disaster, flood, extreme weather conditions, fuel curtailment, or another calamity causes the closing of schools.


I just finished speaking with a fellow whose wife is a schoolteacher.  He told me that she was back at work after the recent Christmas holiday and was having her kids review their work from the spring in preparation for taking Semester Tests in a few days.

I'm surprised at this.  During my public school sentence, I always took Semester tests before Christmas break, not after.  His response --

"The travel industry lobbied Austin to change the school calendar.  It seems that Texas parent's travel opportunities were being hindered by the States mandated school calendar.  The change effected allows the family greater summer travel options thereby increasing profit to the travel industry."

The Texas Education Agency -


The mission of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students.


At parent-teacher conferences, it is only grades in fact that come up for discussion – never learning.

I’ve made it my life’s goal to tell all Americans why they shouldn’t have their children in public schools.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Elevator Repairman Is From Iran

I don't even know his name.  His English and my skills of understanding don't mesh perfectly so I had some difficulty communicating with him.

Mr. Repairman comes to the building to maintain the elevator.  He's a bit shy but also friendly.  We have the elevator key and the control room is in our rented part of the building so he comes to see us whenever he parks his work truck out front to perform elevator maintenance.

I offered him use of our facilities, coffee, and the leftover, complimentary, holiday candy.  Needless to say, Tim wants that elevator pristine.

I started talking with him while I fired up a fresh pot of joe. When I asked where he was from he hesitantly replied, "From Iran". 

His mother still lives in Iran and doesn't want to leave her homeland to come to America.  He grew up during the Iran/Iraq war, attending school with bombs flying overhead and often without a teacher.  He loves his homeland and the people but wishes for them and the rest of the world to be free.  He deplores the recent violence used to suppress demonstrators.

I asked about the Iranian government's desire for nuclear material.  "They're liars.  They want to build bombs to destroy America and destroy Israel."

These are pictures of the Iran he loves followed by pictures of the Iran he hates.

It's a tough life we've been given.  May we all do our best. 



Tuesday, January 5, 2010


“It is hard NOT to write satire.” ~Juvenal , Roman satirist, writing about the Rome of his day


The burden of proof should be on those who claim that the best solution is always the violent one.
Be Good And You Will Be Lonesome

America wants socialism.
Americas Insatiable Desire For Socialism

Dallas would rather pay lawyers than pay an inmate they almost killed.
You Can Sue The County Jail

The staff of nearly 3 million civilian bureaucrats should be redeployed.
Those of us who add value to the national balance sheet should not be ruled over by those who don't. We should not have to stand in line and ask permission to enjoy the inalienable rights given us by our Creator.
Why Do We Put Our Lives In The Hands Of Those Whose Failures Are Manifest?


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lincoln Wishlist

I was unable to confirm who is playing on the Lincoln advertisements.  Rumors say Shiny Toy Guns or Ratboy 76 w/ a female lead vocalist.

this is the original 

Sniff 'n' The Tears - Fickle Heart - Driver's Seat

We're doing alright
a little jiving on a saturday night
come what may
gonna dance the day away

Jenny was sweet
she always smile for the people she meet
on trouble and strife
she had another way of looking at life

The news is blue
it has it's own way to get to you
what can I do?
I'll never remember my time with you

So pick up your feet
got to move to the trick of the beat
there is no elite
just take your place in the driver's seat.
